Secure Your Information
With Kanguru

FIPS 140-2 Certified, TAA Compliant, GDPR Compliant, 256-Bit Hardware Encryption, Digitally-Signed Secure Firmware, Onboard Antivirus, Remote Management, Full Erase Duplicators and More...


Kanguru Specializes In Products That Secure Your Data

With Today's unrelenting threats of malware, viruses, data theft, hacking and data breach, it is more important than ever to ensure your data is protected with the very best security. Kanguru manufactures military-grade, FIPS 140-2 Certified, hardware encrypted USB drives to secure and protect data. Kanguru also provides GDPR Compliant Duplicators for robust duplication or full data wiping, depending on the needs of your duplication project.

FIPS 140-2 Certified Secure USB Drives

Meet and exceed rigorous demands of security and safety regulations

TAA Compliance

Most Kanguru products are TAA Compliant, assembled in the U.S.A. or TAA-designated countries

Remote Management for Secure USB Drives

Remotely-manage all your encrypted devices from one convenient console

Secure Firmware Devices

Protect devices and organizations from malware or third-party tampering

GDPR Compliance

GDPR Compliant products can help Data Protection Officers manage and monitor data, restrict permissions and enforce security policies; from military grade hardware encrypted data storage, to secure erase duplicators and more


Customize products with logos, branding and more. Add contact information, serial numbers, and other Unique Entity Identifiers to build trust for Endpoint Security environments