Kanguru Announces A Unique Security Platform for Customers to Easily Manage Their Personal Information
Kanguru is proud to announce the launch of a whole new innovative idea in data protection for the everyday user – the Kanguru Defender LifePlanner™.
Kanguru World Class New OS Agnostic Encrypted Fingerprint Access Flash Drive
The New Kanguru Defender Bio-Elite30 Fingerprint Hardware Encrypted Flash Drive is OS Agnostic, remotely manageable, and provides best-in-class encryption with easy fingerprint access!
Kanguru Secure Firmware, Hardware Encrypted USB Drives Can Stop USB-Based Ransomware Attacks
A recent article warns of a targeted effort on the US Defense Industry regarding new USB-based Ransomware attacks. A notice released from the FBI alerts defense contractors of a scam that is mailing out USB drives with the intent to coerce unsuspecting employees and staff to plug them in, consequently infecting and introducing ransomware into the network.
Scale Still Unknown Regarding Major Cyber Security Attack On U.S. Government and Private Sector
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security implemented an Emergency Directive after it was revealed that Russian hackers are suspected to have conducted a large-scale, ongoing cyber intrusion into agencies of government, critical infrastructure, and even private companies.
USB 3.0 Vs. USB 3.1 Vs. USB 3.2: What’s The Difference?
Continual rebranding has led to plenty of confusion over the USB3 naming convention. In this article we will provide a timeline of USB3’s development history, which will hopefully help explain how USB 3.0 evolved to USB 3.1 and then to USB 3.2.
Prevent BadUSB - USB Firmware Protection from Kanguru
The news, known as "BadUSB", has worried some that even secure USB flash drives, hard drives, and solid state drives could be vulnerable to physical tampering. The truth is, Kanguru Defender® USB drives are more secure than ever thanks to the onboard digitally signed secure firmware. Those fears can be put to rest because Kanguru's secure USB drives have you covered.
Can BYOD Work As A Secure Environment In The Age of Coronavirus?
Where BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) was once a highlight of conversation, Covid-19 seems to be reversing the trend to become - if you will - BYWDH (Bring Your Work Device Home). BYOD has its advantages, but also has its risks.